The information provided on this webpage (the «Information«) belongs to Norsk Helseportal AS (the «Company«). The Information does not purport to contain all information which may be relevant to an interested party. Interested parties/readers of should conduct their own investigation and analysis of the Company and the Information.
No representation or warranty, expressly or implied, is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information. Further, readers should not place any reliance on forward looking information or statements, which will depend on numerous factors and any reader must make independent assessment on such projections. The Company disclaim any liability for the content of, or omissions from, the provided Information and for any other written or oral communication transmitted or made available to the interested party and will not have any liability towards the recipient or towards any other person resulting from your use of the Information.
The Company does not have any obligation to update the Information, to correct any errors or omissions in the Information or to provide additional information.
Regarding its capital raise, we note that an investment in the Company involves a high level of risk. Several factors could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by statements and information in the information. An investor is asked to further investigate any such risks.
Nett: norskhelseportal.no // E-post: vegard@norskhelseportal.no // Mobil: 922 11 111